More than 75 years of experience for you to benefit from
A family owned enterprise with 75 years of experience as a professional partner for precision tools and rotary cutting systems – that’s Aichele. It is precisely our decades of experience and our razor-sharp expertise that make us the technological think tank for the most diverse applications. Diamond and tungsten carbide are the materials we use to design and manufacture your systems and tools.
We are proud to enjoy the backing of a strong family enterprise. And because we never stand still, it’s always good to remember our roots.Every single employee is a motivated driver of Aichele’s success. Every customer and every order takes us yet another stepahead.That’s how we became an internationally sought-after specialist for cutting, milling and drilling tools whose name is synonymous with precision.
Founded in Nellingen near Stuttgart
Switch to CNC technology
Move to Crailsheim
Start manufacturing of rotary cutting systems
Create the design department
Certified to ISO 9001
Manufacturing of form cutting machines
Extension production hall
Expansion assembly hall
Opening of US Location

New branch in the U.S.
Aichele Inc. is our branch in the U.S. You can find us in Charlotte, the big gest city in North Carolina. We built a brand new facility located a 20-minute drive from downtown Charlotte and about 13 miles from Charlotte Douglas Airport.
With good reason: our American customer base is growing all the time and we wanted to achieve greater geographical and personal proximity.

Social responsibility
We have a strong bond with the region.
Since 2014, we are the sponsors of the basketball team of the Crailsheim Merlins.

Packaging Valley
Since October 2010 we are member of Packaging Valley Germany e.V.
In the past 100 years, a relevant number of successful packaging machine builders have established themselves in the southern German region around the towns of Crailsheim and Schwaebisch Hall. Some companies have already achieved world market leadership; others are well on their way.
Packaging Valley provides approx. 7,000 jobs in the packaging machine building sector with an export share for its products of more than 80%.
Central goal of “Packaging Valley Germany” – founded in 2007 – is to create awareness of our globally distinctive and unique concentration and competence: Potential and existing customers have the opportunity to gather an abundant of on-site information about excellent packaging solutions. That makes even long trips very informative and efficient.
Packaging Valley Germany offers accumulated know-how and perfect packaging solutions within the shortest distances. Leading companies have established themselves within the immediate vicinity.
Names we are proud of: To serve their international customers’ best interest, the member companies of Packaging Valley have agreed that, in the future, they will act concertedly and invest in the training of qualified labor for the packaging industry.

Decades of experience, highly qualified and motivated employees and ever-ongoing new and further developments up to the patent stage have made us one of the most successful and best developers and manufacturers of precision tools.
We invite you to participate in and experience more success stories with us.